My Whippet
By Darren M. Grine
On that cold winter day
The little one came to stay
Thus I knew that I would be at bay
The face that was so sweet
It would be hard to beat
Knowing there was no one to compete
As a young jubilant boy
Thinking maybe he was a new toy
His presence would bring many a joy
Growing from pup to adult in no time
It’s hard to believe he’s canine
But all I know, he’s mine
The memorable years passed
Wondering if the craziness would last
A boy and his dog will always surpass
Throughout time, images are set
If you come to think of it
I’ve been talking about my Whippet
Copyright ©2004 Darren M. Grine
Originally Published in the Whippet Watch Magazine, Volume 7, Issue 4
Poem cannot be used without the written consent of the author.